⚽ Lionel Messi’s “Walking Strategy” And What Your Business Can Learn πŸ“ˆ

Lionel Messi, one of the greatest soccer players of all time, is often seen walking on the field. While some think it’s a tactic to conserve energy or seize opportunities, the core reason lies in his unique muscular typology, which empties energy at an unusually high rate.

πŸ“š Takeaway 1: Adaptability is Key Herbert Spencer’s phrase “survival of the fittest” is often misunderstood. It doesn’t mean the strongest or smartest survive, but those who adapt best to their environment. Messi adapted his playing style to his unique physiology, teaching us that adaptability is crucial for success in any field.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.com

🦁 Takeaway 2: Sprint, Rest, Reassess Naval Ravikant says humans work best in sprints, much like hunting lions. Messi embodies this. He walks, assesses the field, and then sprints when he sees an opportunity. This ‘sprint and rest’ approach can be applied in business settings, where intense focus followed by periods of rest can lead to breakthroughs.
🦁 Takeaway 2: Sprint, Rest, Reassess Naval Ravikant says humans work best in sprints, much like hunting lions. Messi embodies this. He walks, assesses the field, and then sprints when he sees an opportunity. This ‘sprint and rest’ approach can be applied in business settings, where intense focus followed by periods of rest can lead to breakthroughs.

πŸ•’ The 87-Minute Rule Soccer legend Johan Cruyff said, “What do you do during those 87 minutes when you do not have the ball?” This is akin to business downtime. How you utilize the time when you’re not in the spotlight can make all the difference.

So, are you adapting to your unique circumstances? Are you sprinting, resting, and reassessing? Your answers could determine your business success.

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