Tag Archives: leadership

A 2,000-year-old Chinese mindset can make you more successful—it ‘takes almost zero effort,’ says psychologist

A 2,000-year-old Chinese concept called “wu wei” (pronounced “ooo-way”), which translates to “non-action” or “effortless action,” can help us lead more balanced, fulfilling and successful lives.

Wu wei takes almost zero effort

I’m not saying you should just sit back and slack off.

Wu wei is about allowing things to happen naturally and letting go of the need to control. It emphasizes taking action when necessary, but not pushing yourself with excessive effort and tension.

I always try to implement wu wei into my practice, because research has shown that it can help lower stress and anxiety, while increasing satisfaction and overall well-being.

Here’s how to make wu wei part of your daily routine:

1. Accept things as they are

Let’s say you’re throwing a big party. Instead of obsessing over every detail, practicing wu wei means understanding that things may not go exactly as planned.

Similarly, if you didn’t get the job promotion you expected, recognize that this is a normal part of your career journey. I like to say to myself, “I can’t control everything, but I can make the best of whatever happens.”

When you face a challenge, ask yourself whether you have complete control over the outcome. If you don’t, make peace with it and move on.

2. Embrace imperfection

Allow things to unfold in their own natural way, without forcing the outcome. Know that nothing is ever perfect.

If you’re learning a new language or playing an instrument for the first time, prepare to make mistakes. You’ll learn from them.

Allow yourself some grace. If you find yourself fixating on just the things that go wrong, stop and say: “Why would I want to torture myself to achieve the impossible? I choose to be flexible and kind to myself.”

3. Implement mindfulness

Mindfulness means being aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Take note of all the little details around you. How does the sun feel on your skin? Listen to the sounds of nature, like the birds and rustling leaves, or observe the shapes and colors of the flowers.

Wu wei comes much easier when you pay attention to what’s happening in the present moment, in a friendly and curious way.

Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher and the founder of Taoism, once said: “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”

Dr. Junhong Cao, Contributor


The Danger of Losing Your Internal Compass and the Power of Match Quality in Business 🎯

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Pexels.com

Josh Waitzkin was a chess prodigy, winning the U.S. Junior Chess Championship at just 11. But at 18, he quit chess. Why? A new coach tried to mold him into a player he wasn’t. Waitzkin lost his love for the game and eventually found a new passion in martial arts, where he won a national championship within two years.

🔑 Takeaway 1: The Importance of Match Quality
Waitzkin emphasizes that he excelled in both chess and martial arts when his style aligned with his personality. This concept, known as “match quality,” is crucial in business too. Just like music producer Rick Rubin, who turned his love for art into a successful career, finding a role that aligns with your unique traits can lead to exceptional performance.

🧭 Takeaway 2: The Danger of Losing Your Internal Compass
Waitzkin warns that trying to emulate styles or personalities that don’t align with your own can lead to internal conflict. Psychologist Abraham Maslow talked about a “hierarchy of needs,” where even if basic needs are met, discontent arises unless one is doing what they are “individually fitted for.”

🎶 The Harmony of Being True to Yourself
Maslow said, “A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write…if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.” The same applies to business leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals. Being true to your own nature is not just a path to peace but a cornerstone for high performance.

🌟 Final Thought
Josh Waitzkin sums it up perfectly: “One of the most critical factors in becoming a high performer is the degree to which your relationship to your pursuit stays in harmony with your unique disposition.”
So, are you in harmony with your unique disposition in your professional life? Your level of match quality could be the key to unlocking your highest potential.

🌟 Unleash the Magic of GPT-4: Boost Your Online Profits with Vision Prompts! 🌟

🚀 Maximize Your Online Profits with these 10 ChatGPT GPT-4 Vision Prompts 🚀

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve is the key to success. 📈 One way to do this is by harnessing the power of AI to optimize your online presence.

💡 Learn how to leverage AI for stunning website design, compelling ads, and more! 💡

The digital world is visually driven, and it’s essential to make a lasting impression on your audience. That’s where ChatGPT GPT-4’s Vision Prompts come into play. 💥

Let’s dive right into it with these 10 exciting prompts and how they can supercharge your online profits:

1️⃣ Website Layout

“Check out this screenshot of my online store. How can I showcase [product name] better?”

Your website’s layout can make or break a sale. With GPT-4, you can receive valuable insights on optimizing your product presentation.

2️⃣ Ad Look

“See this image of my new ad for [product/service]. Does it grab your attention?”

Catch your audience’s eye with compelling ads. GPT-4 can help you fine-tune your visual marketing materials.

3️⃣ Homepage Design

“From this picture of my site, is the button for [specific service] easy to spot?”

Ensure your homepage is user-friendly with feedback from GPT-4. Make those essential buttons pop!

4️⃣ Competitor Check

“Look at my product photo and this one from [competitor’s name]. Which one pops more? Analyze pros and cons.”

Stay one step ahead by analyzing your competition. GPT-4 can help you identify what makes your visuals stand out.

5️⃣ Social Media Graphics

“What do you think of this graphic for my [product/service] promo? Does it stand out?”

Engaging visuals are vital on social media. Use GPT-4 to create graphics that catch the eye of your target audience.

Photo by Google DeepMind on Pexels.com

6️⃣ Newsletter Style

“Here’s an image of my email design. Does it make you want to learn more about [product/service]?”

Your newsletter’s design can significantly impact click-through rates. Optimize it with GPT-4 insights.

7️⃣ Blog Links

“In this blog screenshot, does the link for [product name] seem clickable?”

Enhance your user experience by ensuring clickable links stand out in your blog posts.

8️⃣ Course Cover

“This is the cover for my online course on [course topic]. Is it inviting to customers? Analyze pros and cons.”

Capture your audience’s interest with a captivating course cover. GPT-4 can help you refine your design.

9️⃣ Digital Product Display

“Here’s how I present my [digital product]. Would you be curious as a customer about [specific niche]?”

Make your digital products irresistible with GPT-4 feedback that attracts potential customers.

🔟 Video Cover

“What’s your take on this thumbnail for my video on [topic]? Does it make you want to watch?”

Engage viewers from the start with enticing video covers that make them click play.

In a visually saturated online world, AI-driven visual optimization can set you apart from the competition. GPT-4 Vision Prompts are the future of online success.

Don’t just keep up with the times, stay ahead of them! 🚀

Please note that this article contains affiliate links, and I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links.

🚀AI-Powered Wonders To Increase Your Online $ Business: The Top 100 Tools!🛠️

Dive into the Digital Future – Unfurling the Pinnacle of Efficiency and Creativity with Artificial Intelligence🧠🤖

🎉 Welcome to the Future: Navigating Through a World Where AI Reigns Supreme! 🌎

Photo by Michelangelo Buonarroti on Pexels.com

In today’s fast-paced digital world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) 🤖 stands proudly as our ally, weaving through our tasks and projects, sprinkling them with a dash of efficiency, creativity, and futuristic zest! 🚀 Dive with us into the vibrant universe of AI tools that stand ready to elevate your productivity across diverse domains, ensuring that every endeavor of yours resonates with excellence and innovation. 🌟

🔍 1. Research: Ignite Your Inquiry 🔥

  • Get cozy with Claude, engage in conversational magic with ChatGPT, unravel complexities with Perplexity, and dive deep into discussions with Bing Chat. Every query is an adventure, waiting to be unveiled!

📸 2. Image: Crafting Visual Masterpieces 🎨

  • From the dreamy realms of Dall-E 3 to the stabilizing prowess of Stable Diffusion, your image endeavors are set to embark on a journey where each pixel pulsates with unmatched brilliance and clarity.

✏️ 3. Copywriting: Scribe of the Future 🚀

  • Embrace the eloquence of Rytr, unravel creativity with Copy AI, and conjure captivating ad content with Adcreative AI – Your words, now powered with an AI flair!

📝 4. Writing: Unfurling Stories with Tech 📘

  • Let Jasper’s vivacity, HIX AI’s efficiency, and Textblaze’s speed script your narratives into realms of engaging and compelling tales.

🌐 5. Website: Building Digital Realms 🏰

  • Shape your online presence with 10Web, innovate with Durable, and craft with Style AI, ensuring every virtual journey through your domain is enchanting!

🎥 6. Video: The Reel of Tomorrow 🚀

  • Craft, cut, and curate with tools like Klap and Opus, ensuring every frame and transition cascades with flawless visuals and narratives.

📞 7. Meeting: Converse with Convenience 🌟

  • Reimagine your virtual interactions with tools like Tldv and Otter, ensuring every word and idea in your digital meetings is captured and cultivated with precision and ease!

🔍 8. SEO: Elevating Your Digital Presence 🚀

  • Let VidIQ and Seona AI be your guides in the vast world of SEO, ensuring your digital content doesn’t just exist, but distinctly stands out and resonates across the web.

💬 9. Chatbot: Interactive Tech Pals 🤖

  • Engage and elevate customer interactions with Droxy and Chatbase, ensuring your client’s digital journey is always accompanied by an intelligent and helpful companion.

🎨 10. Presentation: Slides that Shine

  • With Decktopus and Beautiful AI, let every slide you craft not just speak, but sing tales of information and visual splendor, captivating every viewer’s gaze.
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com Source: @HeyAbhishekk

🤖 11. Automation: Streamlining Workflows with Precision ⚙️

  • From Make’s bespoke creation capabilities to Zapier’s versatile integration magic, carve out a seamless operational arena where every task flows into the next with unrivaled smoothness!

🧠 12. Prompts: Aide for Your Creative Bursts

  • Let FlowGPT and PromptBox be the whisperers of creativity in your ear, guiding your thoughts and ideas into dimensions of unexplored innovation!

🎨 13. UI/UX: Designing Digital Wonderlands 🖥️

  • With Figma’s collaborative essence and UiMagic’s intuitive interface, crafting digital environments that enchant every visitor becomes a delightful journey!

✒️ 14. Design: Unleashing Visual Marvels 🚀

  • Engage Canva for its user-friendly design playground and Autodraw for a dash of AI, and watch as your visual contents transform into compelling masterpieces!

🔥 15. Logo Generator: Crafting Identity with AI 🎨

  • Let Looka and Brandmark weave the visual voice of your brand, ensuring your logo isn’t just seen, but remembered and cherished!

🎶 16. Audio: Orchestrating Sonic Brilliance 🚀

  • With Lovo ai and Eleven labs, let every sound, note, and voice in your projects resonate with crystal clear, immersive, and emotionally stirring sonic experiences!

🎯 17. Marketing: AI-Infused Campaign Maestros 🚀

  • Be it Pencil’s creative ad scripts or Simplified’s smart content creations, your marketing efforts are turbocharged, ensuring every campaign hits its mark with dazzling impact!

🚀 18. Startup: Nurturing Ideas into Reality 💡

  • Embrace the futuristic validation of Pitchgrade and let Namelix conjure the perfect name, ensuring your startup doesn’t just launch, but soars into the realms of success and recognition!

🧠 19. Productivity: Amplifying Your Every Move 🚀

  • Let Merlin and Notion AI redefine your organizational methods, turning every task, project, and note into a meticulously organized, easily navigable digital workspace!

📢 20. Social Media Management: Orchestrating Digital Engagements 🌐

  • Command your digital presence with Twemax, personalize with Typeshare, and sculpt your social narratives with the likes of Blackmagic, ensuring every post, like, and share resonates with your brand’s essence.

🔮 Embracing a Future, Crafted by AI 🚀

Imagine a reality where every digital endeavor of yours is not just a task, but an exciting journey sculpted by the delicate and precise hands of AI. 🤖✨ Each tool, from automating your marketing efforts to scripting your social media narratives, stands as a beacon of possibility, ready to light up your projects with a blend of efficiency, creativity, and futuristic innovation. 🎉🚀

In this vibrant sea of AI tools, every click, every command, and every creation of yours is not just an action, but a step towards a future where technology and creativity coalesce into realms of boundless possibilities. 🌌🛠️

Tags: #AITools #ProductivityBoost #AIInnovation #DigitalTools #ArtificialIntelligence #TechFuture #AIforBusiness

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Unlocking Digital Success in 2024: 60 AI Tools Every Online Entrepreneur Needs! 🚀🔧

From ideation to execution: A comprehensive guide to AI-driven platforms to take your online business to new heights.

Photo by ThisIsEngineering on Pexels.com

The digital realm is transforming at a rapid pace, and with the dawn of 2024, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an entrepreneur’s best friend. From generating ideas to automating tasks, the landscape of online business is brimming with AI tools that promise results. But with a plethora of options, which ones should you choose? Fear not! Here’s a handpicked list of the best AI tools categorized by purpose to kickstart your online business journey this year:

1. Idea Generation & Brainstorming 💡

  • Claude: Extract insights from raw data to come up with creative ideas.
  • ChatGPT: Engage in a thought-provoking conversation to refine ideas.
  • Bing Chat: Another conversational AI that offers a different perspective.
  • Perplexity: Analyze trends and patterns for innovative brainstorming.

2. Build a Stellar Website 🌐

  • Dora: AI-driven website builder.
  • 10Web: Automated WordPress website setup.
  • Framer: Interactive web design tool.
  • Unicorn: Personalized site creator.
  • Hostinger: AI-enhanced web hosting services.

3. Crafting Engaging Content ✍️

  • Jasper: AI-based content writer.
  • Longshot: Long-form content generator.
  • Textblaze: Snippet and content creation.
  • Copymate: Content enhancer and editor.

4. GIF Creators to Engage Your Audience 😂

  • Hotshot.co: GIF creation made easy and tailored.

5. Make Meetings More Productive 📅

  • Tldv: Get concise summaries of long meetings.
  • Krisp: Noise-canceling software.
  • Otter: Meeting transcription and insights.
  • Fathom: Deep dive into your meeting analytics.
  • Airgram: Seamless communication platform.

6. Delve Deeper with Research Tools 📚

  • Sourcely.net: Curate quality research materials.
  • student-ai.tools: Specially designed for academic and business research.

7. Engage with Chatbots 💬

  • SiteGPT: Personalize your site’s chat experience.
  • Chatbase: Optimize your bot’s performance.
  • Chatsimple: Straightforward chatbot creation.
  • CustomGPT: Tailored chatbot for unique requirements.
  • Mutual.info: Multi-platform chatbot service.

Photo by George Milton on Pexels.com

8. Automation to Save Time ⚙️

  • Make: Automate complex tasks.
  • Levity: Workflow automation.
  • Zapier: Connect various apps and automate.
  • Xembly: Code-free automation.
  • Bardeen: Streamline business processes.

9. UI/UX Designing Mastery 🎨

  • Uizard: Turn sketches into usable interfaces.
  • UiMagic: Instant UI generator.
  • InstantAI: User-centric design insights.
  • Galileo AI: Real-time design feedback.
  • Photoshop: AI-powered image editing.

10. Mesmerizing Image Tools 🖼️

  • Leap AI: Image enhancement.
  • Dalle•E 3: Creative image generation.
  • Midjourney: AI-driven image curation.
  • Bing create: Image customization.
  • Stable Diffusion: Stabilize and enhance images.

11. Create Stunning Videos 🎥

  • Eightify: AI video enhancer.
  • Runway: Video creation and editing.
  • ScreenStory.io: Transform scripts into visuals.
  • Morphstudio.xyz: AI-driven video studio.

12. Unparalleled Design Tools 🖌️

  • Canva: Easy-to-use design platform with AI suggestions.
  • Flair AI: Design optimization.
  • Clipdrop: AI-enhanced design elements.
  • Booth AI: Augmented reality designs.
  • Autodraw: Turn doodles into design elements.

13. Marketing: Seal the Deal 🎯

  • Pencil: AI-driven ad designs.
  • Ai-Ads: Optimize advertising with AI.
  • AdCopy: Perfect your ad text.
  • Simplified: Simplify marketing strategies.
  • AdCreative: Enhance ad visuals.

14. Dominate Twitter with AI 🐦

  • Typefully: Draft perfect tweets.
  • Hypefury: Optimize Twitter posting.
  • Postwise: Intelligent Twitter insights.
  • Tribescaler: Amplify your Twitter reach.
  • TweetHunter: Find trending content.

Now, as you dive into the vast ocean of online entrepreneurship, these tools will be your trusty allies. So gear up, and let AI empower your journey!

Please note that this article contains affiliate links, and I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links. This comes at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I genuinely believe can provide value to you. The decision to purchase any affiliate product is entirely yours, and your support through these links enables me to continue providing valuable content. Thank you for your trust and support!

Tags: #AI #OnlineBusiness #Entrepreneurship #ToolsForSuccess #DigitalTrends2023

Pumping Iron for a Lifetime: Building Muscle and Securing Your Future 💪🏋️‍♀️

Your Retirement & Insurance Plan, One Rep at a Time 🚀

Hey there, fitness enthusiasts and future retirees! 🌟 Did you know that your retirement and insurance plan could be hiding in the weight room? 💼💪 It’s time to put a fun twist on the road to a secure future by embracing the world of muscle-building! 🏋️‍♂️

Picture this: You’re getting older, but you’re not just aging gracefully; you’re thriving! 💃🕺 The secret? Lifting weights! 🏋️‍♀️ Here are some tips to get you started on your journey to a stronger, more secure future:

1. Age is Just a Number, But Muscle Matters 📊 Muscle mass decreases approximately 3-8% per decade after the age of 30, and it accelerates after 60! 😱 But guess what? You can reverse that trend. Studies show that an 80-year-old who lifts weights regularly can be as strong as a 30-year-old who doesn’t. 📈👵🏋️‍♂️

2. Gym Time is Investment Time ⏳💪 Think of each rep and set as a deposit into your future. While others might be daydreaming about retirement plans and insurance policies, you’ll be building the best kind of insurance: muscle! 💰💼

3. Be the Oldest in the Gym, Not the Nursing Home! 🏢🏥 Wouldn’t you rather be the inspiring senior citizen crushing it at the gym than the youngest resident in a nursing home? The choice is yours! 🤸‍♂️🧓

4. Reap Rewards Now and Later 💥🌈 The benefits of weightlifting aren’t just for the distant future. You’ll enjoy improved strength, mobility, and confidence right now. Plus, you’ll set yourself up for a healthier, more active retirement! 🏆🎉

5. Age Gracefully with Strength and Independence 🌟 Imagine being the one who doesn’t need assistance with daily tasks as you age. Strength training can help you maintain your independence and enjoy life to the fullest. 🙌🌞

6. It’s Never Too Late to Start 🚀 No matter your age, it’s never too late to begin your journey into the world of weights. Start slowly, seek guidance if needed, and progress at your pace. The key is consistency! 🗓️🏋️‍♀️

So there you have it! Your retirement and insurance plan doesn’t have to be all paperwork and premiums. Embrace the fun, empowering world of weightlifting, and secure a future where strength, vitality, and independence are your constant companions. 💪🌟

Please note that this article contains affiliate links, and I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links. This comes at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I genuinely believe can provide value to you. The decision to purchase any affiliate product is entirely yours, and your support through these links enables me to continue providing valuable content. Thank you for your trust and support!

#FitnessGoals #HealthyAging #RetirementPlan #StrengthTraining #MuscleMatters #LifelongFitness #SeniorStrength #InvestInYourself

Building the Most Successful Airline in History: Herb Kelleher ✈️

The Legacy of Southwest Airlines and 7 Lessons from Herb Kelleher

🛫Herb Kelleher, the legendary co-founder of Southwest Airlines, left an indelible mark on the airline industry. Under his leadership, Southwest became the most profitable airline in US history, achieving 47 consecutive years of profitability.

Let’s explore Herb’s remarkable journey and share seven invaluable lessons drawn from his life and work.

1. Finding Success in a Distinctive Niche 🌟 To excel, Herb believed in saying “NO.” Southwest Airlines rejected conventional airline practices: no meals, no first class, no jumbo jets, no assigned seats, no routing flights through hubs, and no bloated administrative staff. This distinctive niche set them apart.

2. The Power of Very Low Costs 💰 Southwest’s competitive edge lay in remarkably low costs. Achieved by clever strategies like operating a 4-plane schedule with 3 planes, rapid flight turnarounds, reusable boarding passes, and having the lowest employee-to-plane ratio in the industry.

3. Knowing Your Niche Inside Out 🎯 Herb understood their target customer – the short haul frequent flyer – inside out. Every decision was made with their needs in mind: low fares, punctual flights, and frequent departure times.

4. Defining Your Competition 🚗 Herb famously said, “We compete with ground transportation, not other airlines.” This philosophy allowed Southwest to charge just $15 for a flight that competitors sold for $62. It’s all about understanding what you truly compete with.

5. Cultivating Love Over Fear ❤️ Southwest was a company bound by love, not fear. Employees who loved their work were incredibly productive. Herb made work fun with laughter, dancing, singing, and costumes, resulting in industry-low turnover.

6. Leading from the Front 🙌 Herb was a hands-on leader, not an office-bound CEO. He could be found helping with reservations, loading baggage, and interacting with employees. Even on the busiest days, he was on the tarmac, setting an example for all.

7. Infectious Passion 🌟 Herb’s passion for Southwest was contagious. Employees loved the company because he did, and they were inspired to protect and nurture the culture he had created.

8. The Man Behind the Legend – ❤️ Despite being the co-founder of Southwest Airlines, he was approachable, warm, and remembered his employees. His actions left a lasting impression on those who had the privilege of working with him.

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#HerbKelleher #SouthwestAirlines #LeadershipLegacy #AviationIcon #Leadership #Travel #Aviation #Airlines #Culture #Business

🎬 Are You Giving Your Brain The REST It Needs To Be Its Most Creative Self? Quentin Tarantino’s Expert Tips… 🧠

Are you giving your brain the REST it needs to be its most creative self?

🎬 Quentin Tarantino’s Creative Evolution & The Neuroscience of Creativity 🧠
In 2008, Quentin Tarantino revamped his creative process, shifting from late-night bar sessions to disciplined daytime writing. But the real magic, he says, happens when he floats in his pool, letting ideas come to him.

🔬 Neuroscience Backs This Up: Dr. Nancy Andreasen’s pioneering brain-imaging studies reveal that when our brain is in a “resting state,” it’s far from idle. It’s actively connecting thoughts and experiences. This state, termed “random episodic silent thought” (REST), engages the brain’s most complex regions. Essentially, REST is a default setting for creativity.

🎭 Takeaway 1: Embrace REST Whether you’re floating in a pool or taking a leisurely walk, giving your brain time to wander can be a catalyst for creativity. It’s not about ‘doing nothing’; it’s about allowing your brain to make connections it otherwise wouldn’t.

🎤 Takeaway 2: Environmental Priming Jerry Seinfeld advises comedians to have a dedicated workspace, a concept rooted in psychology as ‘environmental priming.’ Your brain learns to associate specific locations with specific activities. Tarantino’s pool is his ‘creative space,’ primed for idea generation.

🌱 Balance is Key As Robert Pirsig eloquently puts it, “We need periods of doing & periods of non-doing.” Just like a plant needs both sunlight and darkness to grow, our creative minds need a balance of activity and REST.
So, are you giving your brain the REST it needs to be its most creative self? 🤔

4 in 10 single Japanese men in their 20s have never been on a date, new government report finds


A staggering 40% of Japanese men in their 20s say they have never gone on a date, according to a new report from the Japanese government.

Japanese authorities surveyed 20,000 people from their 20s to their 60s from December 2021 to January, polling them on a variety of questions related to marriage and income. The findings of the survey were released this month in the government’s white paper on gender equality.

The survey revealed that four in ten of the single men in their 20s surveyed had never been on a date. The questionnaire asked those in their 20s if they were married or single, and if they had ever dated anyone. 

The rate of singlehood amongst the Japanese men surveyed did not appear to drop drastically with age. Around 35% of the men in their 30s polled by authorities said they had never been on a date. And in their 40s, 22% of the men surveyed still said they had never dated.

Women, meanwhile, polled very differently on the same questions. Around 25% of the women in their 20s surveyed said they had never dated. The figure dropped to just over 22% for women in their 30s. And by their 40s, just 12% of the women polled said they had never once dated. 

According to the same report, one in four Japanese singles in their 30s — regardless of gender — also said that they had no desire to get married. According to the survey, 26.5% of the men in their 30s did not want to get married, as did 25.4% of the women polled. 

Both men and women cited their desire for freedom as a key reason for not getting married. Female respondents in particular cited losing their jobs, financial instability, and having to shoulder the burden of childcare and housework as reasons why they would choose to not marry.

Japan’s birth rate has come under great scrutiny — even from individuals like Elon Musk, who warned in May that Japan will “cease to exist” if it does not raise its birth rate.

In 2021, Japan recorded the lowest number of births in the country in over a century. Last year also saw a record natural decline in the Japanese population.

Source: Cheryl Teh, Insider

The race toward a new computing technology is heating up — and Asia is jumping on the trend

Quantum computing was already gathering pace in Japan and elsewhere in Asia when the University of Tokyo and IBM launched their new quantum computer last year.

The computer was the second such system built outside the United States by IBM — the latest in a string of key moves in quantum research.

The university and IBM have led the Quantum Innovation Initiative Consortium alongside heavyweights of Japanese industry like Toyota and Sony — all with a view to nailing the quantum question.

Quantum computing refers to the use of quantum mechanics to run calculations. Quantum computing can run multiple processes at once by using quantum bits, unlike binary bits which power traditional computing.

Challenging U.S. ‘hegemony’

The new technology will ultimately speed up the computational power that drives many industries and could affect everything from drug discovery to how data is secured. Several countries are racing to get quantum computers fully operational.

Christopher Savoie, CEO of quantum computing firm Zapata, who spent much of his career in Japan, said technological development has been very U.S.-centric. But now, Asian nations don’t want to be left behind on quantum computing, he added.

“Nation states like India, Japan and China are very much interested in not being the only folks without a capability there. They don’t want to see the kind of hegemony that’s arisen where the large cloud aggregators by and large are only US companies,” Savoie said, referring to the likes of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure.

China, for example, has committed a great deal of brainpower to the quantum race. Researchers have touted breakthroughs and debates are simmering over whether China has surpassed the U.S. on some fronts.

India, for its part, announced plans earlier this year to invest $1 billion in a five-year plan to develop a quantum computer in the country.

Source: CNBC Jonathan Keane